Mapa del sitio multilingüe de lavandera
Sitemaps compatibles con Google para sitios Wagtail multilingües
Al manejar contenido multilingüe en su sitio web, debe asegurarse de generar un archivo de mapa del sitio con el formato adecuado.

Al generar contenido en su sitio web que está en varios idiomas, debe asegurarse de informar a Google sobre las versiones localizadas de su página (y otros motores de indexación de páginas).
To make this work properly, you'll need your site to provide two specific files, a robots.txt, and a sitemap.xml, both at the / root of your domain. While the Wagtail CMS: Django Content Management System does have a sitemap framework that seems capable of handling i18n translations, and the Wagtail Localize is a translation plugin that makes handling translated content a breeze. However I have to say that I couldn't get properly-formatted sitemap files to generate with these tools. Language alternate tags were present, the hreflang language codes were correct, but the href tags were always pointing at the default (English) language URL.
Después de mucho tiempo tratando de resolver esto y sobrescribir métodos, decidí usar una plantilla de Django para lograr esto, tal como lo hice con robots.txt .
Esto supone que ha seguido las instrucciones y ha configurado la lista de idiomas en la configuración de su proyecto, por ejemplo:
# my_project/settings.py
('en', "English"),
('fr', "French"),
('es', "Spanish"),
I first had to create my template files, one for the robots, and one for sitemap.
Here is the content of the my_project/templates/sitemap.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9" xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
{% spaceless %}
{% for url in urlset %}
<loc>{{ url.location }}</loc>
{% if url.lastmod %}
<lastmod>{{ url.lastmod|date:'Y-m-d' }}</lastmod>
{% endif %}
{% if url.changefreq %}<changefreq>{{ url.changefreq }}</changefreq>{% endif %}
{% if url.priority %}<priority>{{ url.priority }}</priority>{% endif %}
{% if url.language %}<lriority>{{ url.language }}</lriority>{% endif %}
{% for item in url.alternates %}
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="{{ item.lang_code }}" href="{{ item.location }}"/>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endspaceless %}
Here is the content of the my_project/templates/robots.txt template file:
User-Agent: *
Disallow: /admin/
# Sitemap files
Sitemap: {{ wagtail_site.root_url }}/sitemap.xml
Now the code.
Below is the content of the my_project/blog/views.py file.
It will only query active pages in the current active language. For each page, we look to see if there is a live translation in any of the other configured languages.
Make sure to set the values of changefreq and priority to whatever your needs are, the values in the script are provided as an example
Note that the value of changefreq provides search engines with general information and does not necessarily reflect the actual frequency of exploration of the page. Accepted values are:
- always
- hourly
- daily
- weekly
- monthly
- yearly
- never
The value "always" should be used to describe documents that change with each access. The value "never" should be used to describe archived URLs.
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from wagtail.core.models import Site
from .models import BlogPage as Article
from django.urls import reverse
from django.conf import settings
from wagtail.core.models import Page
from wagtail.core.models import Locale
from django.conf import settings
class RobotsView(TemplateView):
content_type = 'text/plain'
template_name = 'robots.txt'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
request = context['view'].request
context['wagtail_site'] = Site.find_for_request(request)
return context
class SiteMap(TemplateView):
content_type = 'application/xml'
template_name = 'sitemap.xml'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
request = context['view'].request
changefreq = 'daily'
priority = 0.8
context['urlset'] = []
current = Locale.get_active().language_code
domains = settings.LANGUAGES
MySitemap = Article.objects.filter(locale=Locale.objects.get(language_code=current)).live()
for page in MySitemap:
url_info = {
'location': page.url,
'lastmod': page.last_published_at,
'changefreq': changefreq,
'priority': priority,
'alternates': [],
for l in domains:
lang = l[0]
if lang == current:
translation = Locale.objects.get(language_code=lang)
if page.has_translation(translation):
translated_blog_page = page.get_translation(translation)
if translated_blog_page.live:
'location': translated_blog_page.url,
'lang_code': lang,
return context
Y finalmente, haga que todo funcione, edite el archivo my_project/urls.py y agregue lo siguiente:
from my_project.blog import views as blog
urlpatterns = [
path('robots.txt', blog.RobotsView.as_view()),
path('sitemap.xml', blog.SiteMap.as_view()),
Como de costumbre, dado que no hay dos implementaciones de Wagtail iguales, deberá ajustar el blog, la página de blog y el artículo a su configuración exacta, ¡pero espero que esto funcione para usted y le ahorre algo de tiempo!
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Wagtail web