Technical Notes
Because you can't spell “S**T” without "IT"
Because Information Technology isn't easy.Lessons learned from a tech geek.
Hope these will be useful to you!
A pseudo-random collection of technical notes gathered from too many years spent installing, configuring, and troubleshooting IT solutions on various computer systems.
Use with a grain of salt...with the ever-changing pace of technology, I hope these still work for you1
CloudFront and S3 Bucket CloudFormation Stack
AWS CDK and CloudFormation Stack to deploy a CloudFront distribution and an S3 BucketSecurity Risks of Cloud Computing
Private vs PublicComputer Vision
Examples of recent advancements in the field of Computer Vision.Cost-effective S3 Buckets
A few cost-saving tips on configuring S3 bucketsI have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
Tips, tricks, tools about implementing various technology solutions in the real world. Why rediscover all of these mistakes by yourself when you can learn from others!

Building a Python Sidecar to Monitor Server Performance
Enhance Your Server Monitoring with a Lightweight Python Sidecar

Backup a website to S3
Clone a running website to S3 and CloudFront.

Backup Configuration Files to GitHub
Sample Python code to commit critical server configuration files to a GitHub repository

Wagtail Translated Navigation Menu
When handling multi-lingual content on your website, your navigation menu may not be displayed in …

Processing Files and Folders
A multithreaded, fast and efficient way of recursively processing a large number of files and …

Monitoring SSL Certificates
Expired SSL Certificates is still one of the leading causes of system outages, so don't …

Distributed Server Management with GitHub
Sample Python code to update files from a GitHub repository

Wagtail Multilingual Sitemap
Google-friendly sitemaps for multilingual Wagtail sites

Send a Slack Message
Sending messages to Slack with Python is easy!